Wednesday, December 9, 2009

FInal Stop (5 inches behind)

Finally, it comes to the end for this semester. I feel ... (skips thousand words below). Thank you! P.S. After the review, I feel I could do more ... (update later). Thank you again!

Monday, November 23, 2009

~Road to Final~ (10,000 Feet away)

This thanksgiving week, a Layout of Final Plans, Sections, and Model:

~Road to Final~ (15,000 Yards away)

This week, we have to create some diagrams that are about our libraries. I use the technique from what I have learned this semester -- the drawings without paper and kind of "drawing" some main ideas that will express my library. The first one will be the cut out sections of my library, and this is the main concept of the library as Island. The next one will be the plan by wire, which is showing the idea that it is actually formed by the extension lines from surrounding buildings. The third drawing that I want to show is the feeling of islation and the 3 main programs/parts at the same time. The last one will show the axon of structure columns of the building by wood sticks.

Monday, November 16, 2009

~Road to Final~ (10 Miles away)

As times go by, it quickly jumps to the final project; it is about reworking the library (as island) and it should be process with the things that I already had instead of redrafting and creating somethings completely new or difference (That is what I was attempted to do at the first place which was wrong, may be...I had P.C/R.D before and the Virgo effect, it causes me to care more in the rational way such as the possibility to actually build [structure and engineering] and the architectural standard like egress...>.<) At this point, the most important thing that can bring me to the next step is really looking at the roof and think/desgin from the top in order to create the bottom spaces. However, this part comes out so long. It might be two reasons for that. The first one was my hesitation (which I always got the experiences that worked more and got worse like the previous one, the project started early with fancy idea and nice posting ever but end up with late presentation and crappy models which was very frustrated) and the second reason would be finding the correct material to use (failure from wire, paper, chip board) and correct way to construct. Finally, by knowing and getting the right tool -- plaster clothe/tape, it gives me a hope and help me to really get start. Even the result might come worse that not something what I want, at least I could gain more by working more (hopefully). So, the roof model starts with sliced section pieces and forms by intersection, then it used as a mold to create a plaster model in order to study the roof bottom or the floor ceiling condition.