Sunday, September 20, 2009

Map(in) UNAM: Boîte-en-Valise ~ Assignment 2

In this assignment, we are going to explore what is inside the box, and this box is refer to the UNAM library in Mexico. I start with two slims. The right one is according how many windows the original library had, and think back the architecture in 1950. So, I create 10 floors pancake building with the center core. And the one on the left is about the circulation sequences. Generally, the size and height in each level is different and the movement path create the plans. Later on, I combine those ideas into one and create the one at the bottom.Also, there are some plans study for the movement sequences.

For the final, I find that the opening void spaces didn't not necessary line up in the same way or same sharp and go continuously from the top to the end. The void spaces can be thought as an irregular object that have different forms and put inside the building at any places. The theme is the movement sequence, the feeling of space transitions by moving in void, also about the light.

To sum up, I feel that the final model not quite expressing what I want to shows successfully. It is not abstract/conceptual enough and it is too straight forward (about the plans/the building). It is plain and not fully developed since I should/may think more about the sections also. For now (since I begin to understand what/how we should do/express after the critique.), I wish I can rework it a little bit and make some changes in order to improve and show what I haven't got in this boring, stupid, hateful model which I had made...>.<

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